Cross Recreation Centre welcomes casual users to come along and use the New World Balclutha Sports Arena.

  • Basketball & netball shots, passing/kicking a ball around, etc - $5.00 pp
  • Table tennis, tennis, badminton & volleyball - $7.00 pp, prior bookings required to allow for set up
  • Scooters (supplied or bring your own) - $5.00 pp
  • Other equipment e.g. frisbee and frisbee catchers, pickleball etc available on request - $5.00 pp
  • Inflatables - $100.00 per hire (includes court hire), prior bookings required to allow for set up
  • Bubble balls - $100.00 per hire (includes court hire), prior bookings required to allow for set up
  • Play pod - $100.00 per hire (includes court hire), prior bookings required to allow for set up

Events/Activities 2024 

Weekly Events:

  • Walking Group: Tuesday @ 10:00am - $4.00pp (including a cup of tea or coffee afterwards) 
  • Walking Netball: Wednesday @ 12:30pm - $4.00pp
  • Walking Group: Thursday @ 10:00am - $4.00pp (including a cup of tea or coffee afterwards)

School Holiday Fun:

  • Holiday Programmes: Between T1&2; T2&3; T3&4. Three days of sport, play and other fun activities to keep children physically active and entertained. 9:00am-12:00pm or 9:00am-3:00pm

  • Christmas Fun Day: Looking for extra time to get your Christmas shopping done without the children?            Sign them up for a day filled with games, fun activities and play! Full and half days avaliable, ages 5-12.

Regular Users/Sports Clubs:

Balclutha Gymnastics Club
Email: balcluthagymclub@gmail.com

Basketball South Otago
Email: basketballsouthotago@gmail.com

Clutha District Hockey
Email: cluthadistricthockey@gmail.com
Web: www.facebook.com.cluthadistricthockey

Southern Dance Academy
Email: dance.balclutha@gmail.com
Web: www.southerndanceacademynz.com

Habit Health/Southern Rehab Physiotherapy
Contact: Linda Wilson
Phone:  0800 800 288
Email: dunedin@habit.health
Web: www.habit.health

Pro-Fit Fitness Centre
Contact: Keely Teunissen
Phone: 027 404 6072
Email: gym@pro-fit.kiwi.nz
Web: www.pro-fit-balclutha.com
Tribe Fit - Monday, Wednesday and Friday @ 6:00am
cSc - Tuesday & Thursday @ 6:00am & 6.00pm, and Saturday @ 8:30am

South Otago Netball Centre
Email:  southotagonetball@hotmail.com
Web: www.sporty.co.nz/southotagonetball

Sport Clutha
Contact: Craig Gordon
Phone: 027 268 9167
Email: sportclutha@sportotago.co.nz
Web: ​www.sportotago.co.nz/wider-otago/sport-clutha

Sports Activator
Email: sportsactivator@gmail.com